

I am not a McDonald's person but yesterday I had no ideas for dinner and had to pick up my tenyearold in his guitar class at 7 pm. One thing lead to another and there you see me in the just rebuilt McDonald's (near guitar class). So, buy the cheap McTrios, get the soda and to the car while singing inside you'll find a way by Santogold. Then. Then it happened. A guy with some sorta black scarf in what seemed to be a shaved head tells me:

-Hablais inglesh?
-Yes, what do you need.
-Did you see me earlier?
(I think, earlier today? earlier in my life? but answer:)
- I need help.
- Help for...?
- To get to Tucson.
((by that time carrying the bag with the Mcthingys and the McSodas becomes a load so I start opening my car to put them in)
- And what kind of help do you need? You don't know how to get there?
(I know, not so empathy from me)
-No men, I need money, money... didn't you see me earlier asking for money in the street?
(I think, am I that flat to be confused with a guy? My ego comes before my common sense on slang)
- Well, I dont have, I just bought dinner to my...

The guy turns away, crosses the street and starts talking with some woman in a car. He probably says the same to her. These things do not only happen to me as I tend to think.

I get in my car, turn on the music, find the same song I've been singing all day and think: He'll find a way.

3 comentarios:

gaby rotten dijo...

le bieras dado el mctrío.

para que ya puedas dormir.

esa consciencia.

[diálogo re/creado]

-¿Crees que cuiden bien a los perritos en los hoteles para perros?
-No sé, no creo.
-¿Entonces porqué dejamos al nuestro en uno? ¿por qué la gente deja los suyos en hoteles?
-Porque el dinero que dan les hace sentir menos culpa. Pagas para no sentir que estás abandonando a alguien.
(pagas para no sentir que abandonas
pagas para no sentir culpa
porque esa costumbre medieval del diezmo es imposible de erradicar, tenemos que ganarnos el sueño y la sensación de que somos buenos para regresar al paraíso con el sudor de nuestra frente: ¡pinche cristianismo de mierda!)

Lady of Shalott dijo...

tu anécdota tiene algo devid lynchesco...

José María dijo...

Mal vivir a golpe de remordimiento no es una vía aceptable.

Son hachazos de viento.

Lamentarse a costa de temores es un camino vertical.

Puñaladas del recuerdo.

Cuídate, mi luna.