

Lo dijo Shakespeare:

..."nadie sabe
cerrar el cielo que lleva hasta ese infierno".

Pero lo que sí digo yo es: ya cierra el cielo o el infierno que te tiene con el alma como hilacho.

Atte. Luna

(y ahora ponte a leer o releer el soneto 129)

4 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

good choice, good choice...but, what if the devil himself is after you, then what do you do? Run! Lol

p.s. since this seems to be the only way for you to see my messages, I give up and signed in, I sent you a letter at your mom's house.
love you and J.A.

Charlotte Corday dijo...


sylvíssima dijo...

alexandra, I have written you back, cant remember if it was on hotmail or goodreads or what. How are you?

Anónimo dijo...

Yeah, lil'sister, I am as I write this "en route" a otro lugar, como tu, ya te cambiaste. let me know if you received your gift in the letter. you know i am paranoid that you may not get it. I hope it helps you a littel. I guess you are not coming now. Love you, will write soon. I know it was Juanan bday, but I am waiting to see if you get the letter before I attemp to send something else bigger than that.